
About Us

T ransparency for Iran Think Tank was established in 2014 to improve efficiency, administrative integrity, responsibility, and accountability in governance. Accordingly, the mission of Transparency for Iran is to create a suitable platform for appropriate and desirable governance in order to increase trust and social capital. Transparency for Iran believes that the main basis and solution to the country's major problems depends on the realization of "transparency" as a whole, and related concepts such as public oversight, effective participation of the people in various areas of government, and prevention of corruption.
At the beginning, Transparency for Iran focused on the basic issues of transparency, scientific research, and existing challenges, and in order to adapt these concepts with the context of the country and its localization, several meetings were held at universities, research institutes, and scientific centers. With the maturity of transparency knowledge and the creation of a conceptual network of transparency in governance, efforts to make public discourse and public demand at various levels continued. This led various people with different social believes and positions in social institutions and government to show desire about transparency and related concepts, and led to a wide range of projects and joint work programs.


Transparency for Iran

In order to solve this problem, Transparency for Iran has proposed a conceptual network of solutions based on the concept of transparency which are: Transparency, Open Data, Public Participation, Responsibility, Accountability, Conflict of Interest, Whistleblowing and so on. Given the objectives, Transparency for Iran required to select an entity for its activities which best met the intended criteria. Of all entities, the "Think Tank" and the "NGO" entity had the most adaptation. Some of the most important features of a think tank are:

